Transaction Conversion- eCommerce Transactions
Clients interested in measuring the impact of user-generated content (UGC) on their sales must implement the trackTransaction
analytics event.
Overview eCommerce transactions
The transaction event captures purchase data when a customer buys a product. This event is required on eCommerce sites. Typically, the transaction event is added to a confirmation page, such as a thank you page or payment confirmation page.
You can send email messages to users to request reviews or answers to product questions by adding personally identifiable information (PII) parameters to the transaction event.
The trackTransaction
event should execute once the user has completed a purchase. This will often be after a payment has been processed or when loading a payment confirmation page.
Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
A significant percentage of reviews are collected through follow-up emails sent to verified purchasers. One way to capture a purchaser's personal information (email address, nickname, locale, userId) is by including it in the trackTransaction
event. When this occurs, the transactional data is considered to contain personal identifiable information (PII) and must be handled differently than anonymous transaction data.
The analytics code base has an allowlist (sometimes called a "whitelist") of expected parameters when handling transactions. If the provided data contains a field that is not allowlisted, the field is assumed to contain PII data. This causes two events to be
transmitted. The first event will be of class PIIConversion
and contain all the fields in data
. The second event will be of class Conversion
and will only contain the allowlisted fields from data
By adding PII parameters, you can perform the following:
- Send personalized email messages to users to request reviews if post-interaction email (PIE) is enabled
- Request answers to product questions if Ask a Product Owner is enabled
- Send users additional notifications about their reviews or questions
Be aware that PII is:
- Never associated with the Bazaarvoice persistent cookie
- Always transmitted over HTTPS
- Encrypted before writing to disk
- Never processed by Bazaarvoice analytics
- Stored separately from non-PII data
The following lists the necessary data to execute an eCommerce transactions analytics event.
Name | Type | Default | Description | Priority |
TransactionData | Object | N/A | An object containing data related to the Bazaarvoice products and the eCommerce transaction | Required |
This example below is analytics code that would execute on the order confirmation page when capturing PII:
//create the TransactionData object
var TransactionData = {
orderId: 'EX-123',
city: 'Exampleville',
state: 'Texas',
country: 'USA',
email: '[email protected]',
locale: 'fr_CA',
nickname: 'Test',
userId: '7448dc2',
tax: "8.25",
shipping: "25.00",
total: "60.00",
currency: "USD",
items: [
sku: '1234567-1',
name: 'RXV CD player',
imageUrl: "",
category: "electronics",
quantity: '1',
price: "50.00",
shippingDate: '2016-12-21'
sku: '1234567-2',
name: 'HDMI cable 100 ft',
imageUrl: "",
category: "cables",
quantity: '1',
price: "10.00",
shippingDelay: '23'
The productId is the ExternalID and should match the same value sent to Bazaarvoice in the product feed.
Total is the total amount of the product order (all items) with any discounts and coupons applied and without tax and shipping. Represent total value in the English format (two decimal places) without the currency symbol (e.g. "$" for USD).
Transaction data
Field | Type | Sample value | Priority |
orderId | String | 'EX-123' | Required |
total | Number | 133.25 | Required |
currency | String | 'USD' | Required |
tax | Number | 8.25 | Recommended |
shipping | Number | 25.00 | Recommended |
city | String | 'Austin' | Recommended |
state | String | 'TX' | Recommended |
country | String | 'USA' | Recommended |
label | String | Recommended |
The parameters below should be addressed when considering sending Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
Field | Type | Sample Value | Priority |
email | String | '[email protected]' | Required |
locale | String | 'en-US' | Required |
nickname | String | 'SomeNickname' | Required |
userId | String | 'someUserId' | Required |
shippingDate | String | Item specific - '2014-12-21' | Optional |
shippingDelay | Number | Item specific - '23' | Optional |
The parameters below are specific to the items[] array. See code sample.
Field | Type | Sample Value | Priority |
items | Array | N/A | Required |
productId | String | Item specific - '1234567-1' | Required |
quantity | Number | Item specific - 3 | Required |
name | String | Item specific - 'RXV CD player' | Required |
price | Number | Item specific - 50.00 | Required |
category | String | Item specific - 'electronics' | Optional |
imageURL | String | Item specific -'<'> | Optional |
Updated 7 months ago