Hosted Video Upload - v5.4(PRR)
Upload videos for a review, question, answer or comment.
Hosted Video is available to clients on our Conversations PRR platform.
Refer to Conversations PRR Only Features for more information.
Video upload is a two step process:
- First the video file must be uploaded to Bazaarvoice.
- Then, the uploaded video must be associated with a review, question, answer or comment during submission of that content.
This page describes the upload process. See the submission documentation for the appropriate content type to learn how to associate an uploaded video.
Demonstration purposes only. Do not reuse the API passkeys below in your application.
Perform a GET request to see information about available submission options:
Upload a video file using HTTP POST:
POST /data/uploadvideo.[json|xml]?productid=[ID]&apiversion=5.4&passkey=[YOUR_API_KEY]&contentype=[review|question|answer||review_comment|]&userid=[ID] HTTP/1.1
Host: [stg.]
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----ExampleFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Video"; filename="test_video.mp4"
Content-Type: video/mp4
Ellipses (...) in above example indicate that your app may generate other headers.
Learn more about multipart/form-data.
Name | Description | Additional Info |
ApiVersion | The API version, e.g. 5.4. | API |
ContentType | The content type for which this media is being submitted. Valid values include: review, question, answer, review_comment. | API |
[FORMAT] | Response format (xml or json) | API |
Passkey | API key is required to authenticate API user and check permission to access particular client's data. | API |
Video | The video file of less than 200 MB in 3GP/3G2, ASF, AVI, DV, FLV, MOV, MP4/F4V, MPEG/MPG, QT, or WMV format. | API |
Locale | Locale to display Labels, Configuration, Product Attributes and Category Attributes in. The default value is the locale defined in the display associated with the API key. | Business |
User | Value of the encrypted user. This parameter demonstrates that a user has been authenticated. Note that the UserId parameter does not contain authentication information and should not be used for hosted authentication. See the Authenticate User method for more information. | Configuration |
UserId | User's external ID. Do not use email addresses for this value. | Configuration |
Response format
The response to a successful video upload request will include a VideoUrl
. The VideoUrl
can then be included in a review, question, answer, comment submission which will associate the video with that content.
"Video": {
"Data": {
"Field": {
"video": {
Error codes
Value | Description |
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED | Insufficient privileges to perform the operation |
ERROR_FORM_DUPLICATE | The nickname is already in use. |
ERROR_FORM_DUPLICATE_NICKNAME | The nickname is already in use. |
ERROR_FORM_FILE_PARSE | The uploaded video could not be processed. Ensure that the video is a valid 3GP/3G2, ASF, AVI, DV, FLV, MOV, MP4/F4V, MPEG/MPG, QT, or WMV file. |
ERROR_FORM_FILE_TOO_LARGE | The uploaded video is too large. Videos must be less than 200 MB. |
ERROR_FORM_INVALID_EMAILADDRESS | Email address is not in the proper format. |
ERROR_FORM_INVALID_IPADDRESS | The IP address is invalid. |
ERROR_FORM_INVALID_OPTION | The selected option has been removed. |
ERROR_FORM_PATTERN_MISMATCH | This field is not in the correct format. |
ERROR_FORM_PROFANITY | The content contains inappropriate language. |
ERROR_FORM_REJECTED | The submission was rejected. |
ERROR_FORM_REQUIRED | A required field was not supplied. |
ERROR_FORM_REQUIRED_EITHER | Both of the required hosted authentication parameters are missing. |
ERROR_FORM_REQUIRED_NICKNAME | You must enter a nickname. |
ERROR_FORM_REQUIRES_TRUE | A field requires a value of true. (e.g., "You must agree to the terms and conditions.") |
ERROR_FORM_RESTRICTED | Content provider's age is too young. (e.g., "Content cannot be accepted from minors under age 13.") |
ERROR_FORM_STORAGE_PROVIDER_FAILED | The uploaded file could not be stored. Try uploading again later. |
ERROR_FORM_SUBMITTED_NICKNAME | This nickname has already been submitted. |
ERROR_FORM_TOO_FEW | There must be a minimum number of items contributed for this field. |
ERROR_FORM_TOO_HIGH | This field has too many items. |
ERROR_FORM_TOO_LONG | The field has too many characters. |
ERROR_FORM_TOO_LOW | This field has too few items. |
ERROR_FORM_TOO_SHORT | The field doesn't have enough characters. |
ERROR_FORM_UPLOAD_IO | The item could not be uploaded. Ensure that it is a valid file type. |
ERROR_PARAM_INVALID_LOCALE | Invalid locale code |
ERROR_PARAM_MISSING_USER_ID | This client does not allow unauthenticated submissions. A valid UserId is required. |
ERROR_REQUEST_LIMIT_REACHED | Rate limiting error, i.e. too many requests per time interval |
ERROR_UNKNOWN | Unknown error (internal server error, for instance) |
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED | For unsupported features, clients etc. |
Updated about 1 year ago