Building consumer insights from the review text using Natural Language Processing (NLP), the Sentiment API is the latest addition in Bazaarvoice’s API ecosystem. Bazaarvoice’s in-house Sentiment Analysis technology extracts following sentiments about the products from their reviews

  • Positive sentiment
  • Negative sentiment
  • Common keywords used by consumers
  • High quality marketing quotes that can be used in promotions and other campaigns

The Sentiment API allows users to interact with sentiment data through various endpoints outlined below:

GET/summarised-featuresProvides top 5 best and worst features for a product with an option of associated quotes.
GET/summarised-features/{featureId}/quotesProvides quotes for a specific feature of a product.
GET/featuresProvides all features for a product.
GET/quotesProvides top positive quotes for a product.
GET/expressionsProvides all expressions for a feature of a product.