Product Display Page - Passive Analytic Events

The following documentation details passive/macro-level analytic events that should be present when rendering webpages containing user-generated content (UGC).

Passive/Macro-level analytic events

Clients want to know if a user has read or interacted with user-generated content. Perhaps the content influenced a purchase or aided a customer finding the correct fit. Knowing that a user requested a page containing user-generated content is one thing, but knowing that they scrolled to the
user-generated content into view and interacted with it provides an even better insight into a potential customer interest.

Questions such as "Was the UGC in view longer than a specified time?" and "How did they interact with the content?" can be answered by implementing analytic tagging. These tags are meant to be in-depth and provide a variety of conclusive measurements.



This method communicates data specific to the product page. This information is used later to evaluate a user's habits such as how they interact with your product details page. This understanding of user interaction with the page is imperative to understanding and improving conversion.


pageViewDataObjectN/AAn object containing data related to the Bazaarvoice products implemented on the pageRequired


Execute trackPageView() when a product detail page is fully rendered and the page view data (see below) is available. A simplified example of that is seen in the following example. Note that the trackPageView() method is used immediately before the end body tag after all content has loaded:

  <!-- Your content here -->

A similar effect can be achieved using jQuery's ready() method.

Page View data

The Page View data is passed to trackPageView(pageViewData) as an object as demonstrated in the following example:

var pageViewData = {
  bvProduct: 'RatingsAndReviews',
  productId: 'LXS',
  brand: 'Kenmore',
  type: 'Product',
  categoryId: 'Electronics_washing',
  rootCategoryId: 'electronics',
  numReviews: 30,
  avgRating: 4.4,
  percentRecommended: 100

When multiple Bazaarvoice products are used on the same page (such as Ratings and Reviews, Ask and Answer, and Curations), you should execute trackPageView() once for each Bazaarvoice product, including the appropriate
value for bvProduct along with the other data. This allows the Conversion Impact report (CIR) to be granular to the specific Bazaarvoice product.

var defaultPageViewData = {
  productId: 'LXS',
  brand: 'Kenmore',
  type: 'Product',
  categoryId: 'washingmachine',
  rootCategoryId: 'electronics'

var rrPageViewData = clone(pageViewData, {
  bvProduct: 'RatingsAndReviews',
  numReviews: 30,
  avgRating: 4.4,
  percentRecommended: 100

var aaPageViewData = clone(defaultPageViewData, {
  bvProduct: 'AskAndAnswer',
  numQuestions: 12,
  numAnswers: 4

In the pseudo code above clone() represents a function that creates a new object by combining the properties of its arguments.

The type parameter is used to capture the category of the page where the UGC is used. Using the Bazaarvoice API allows UGC to be inserted throughout a website. However, the most common locations where UGC is used is on 'Product' pages and 'Category' pages.

FieldTypeSample ValuePriority
bvProductString'RatingsAndReviews' | 'AskAndAnswer' | 'Curations'Required
typeString'Product' | 'Category' | 'Embedded' | 'Submission' | 'Misc'Required
numReviewsNumber7Required if bvProduct = 'RatingsAndReviews'
numQuestionsNumber5Required if bvProduct = 'AskAndAnswer'
numAnswersNumber4Required if bvProduct = 'AskAndAnswer'

How to find Page View data

Many of the values for the trackPageView() analytics tracking code come from the Conversations API response. There are a variety of API calls to obtain these values. For the purpose of this documentation, we will use the following request, which contains all the necessary data:,questions&Include=products

The table below identifies the JSON path to each value needed by trackPageView().

FieldValue Path
productIdN/A - In the API request
bvProductUse one of 'RatingsAndReviews' | 'AskAndAnswer' | 'Curations' as appropriate
typeUse one of 'Product' | 'Category' | 'Embedded' | 'Submission' | "Misc'
percentRecommendedIncludes.Products.PRODUCT_ID.ReviewStatistics.RecommendedCount Includes.Products.PRODUCT_ID.ReviewStatistics.TotalReviewCount


  contentId: '93405153',
  productId: 'LXS',
  categoryId: '824213434',
  contentType: 'review',
  bvProduct: 'RatingsAndReviews',
  brand: 'Kenmore'

This method communicates the various pieces of user-generated content on a given page back to Bazaarvoice. For each review, question or answer on a page, a trackImpression method must be executed.


contentIdStringN/AId of the UGC contentRequired
productIdStringN/AId of the productRequired
bvProductStringN/AName of the Bazaarvoice product using specific UGC ('RatingsAndReviews' | 'AskAndAnswer' | 'Curations')Required
contentTypeStringN/AType of content(review|question|answer)Recommended
categoryIdStringN/A Recommended
brandStringN/A Brand name of what the content (review, question,
etc) is about.


trackImpression indicates specific user-generated content (UGC) is on the page. This is not considered an interaction since this tag is triggered on the page load. It is most likely that users have not yet had the opportunity to interact with it. trackImpression will trigger once for each piece of UGC content. This method triggers regardless of whether the content is in view or not.

  <!-- Your content here -->
  contentId: '93405153',
  productId: 'LXS',
  categoryId: '824213434',
  contentType: 'review',
  bvProduct: 'RatingsAndReviews',
  brand: 'Kenmore'

A similar effect can be achieved using jQuery's ready() method.

How to find Track Impression data

Most of the values for the trackImpression() analytics tracking code are associated with the product. However, the contentId, which identifies the specific piece of UGC, is available from the API call. For the purpose of this
documentation, we will use the following request, which contains all the necessary data:,questions&Include=products

The table below identifies the JSON path to each value needed by trackImpression().

FieldValue Path
productIdN/A - In the API request
bvProductUse one of 'RatingsAndReviews' | 'AskAndAnswer' | 'Curations' as appropriate


BV.pixel.trackInView(inViewData, {
  minPixels: 250,
  containerId: 'bvUGC'

trackInView should be used to indicate that UGC is visible on the page. This tag is triggered when user-generated content is made visible in the browser window and will only be triggered once per binding.


inViewDataObjectN/AAn object containing data related to the Bazaarvoice products implemented on the pageRequired
minPixelsNumber100Minimum number of pixels the UGC container must be view for the analytics event to executeOptional
containerIdStringN/AID of the HTML element containing the user-generated content (UGC)Required


trackInView() is triggered when user-generated content is first made visible in the browsers viewport. No additional work is needed to trigger this event when the indicated container becomes visible.

<!-- Your content here -->
BV.pixel.trackInView(inViewData, {
minPixels: 250,
containerId: 'bvUGC'

The events to which this tag binds are high-volume events so code internal to the tag will filter (or debounce) events to prevent excessive CPU load. The trackInView() analytics is more granular than the trackPageView() but less specific than the trackViewedUGC analytics.

When multiple Bazaarvoice products are used on the same page (such as Ratings and Reviews and Ask and Answer), trackInView() should be called twice. Each call should use the bvProduct parameter and is highly recommended. This allows the Conversion Impact report to be granular to the specific Bazaarvoice product. Furthermore, when using the bvProduct, it is required that the numQuestions and numAnswers be included.

TrackInView data object

The inViewData is passed to trackInView(inViewData, ...) as an object as demonstrated in the following example:

var inViewData = {
  productId: 'LXS',
  bvProduct: 'RatingsAndReviews',
  brand: 'testbrand'

// Triggers an analytics event once 250 pixels of the 'bvUGC' container
// are in the viewport.
BV.pixel.trackInView(inViewData, {
  minPixels: 250,
  containerId: 'bvUGC'

The following table shows the expected parameters and values expected in the inViewData object.

FieldTypeSample ValuePriority
bvProductString'RatingsAndReviews' | 'AskAndAnswer'Required

How to find In View Data

Many of the needed values for the inViewData() analytics tracking code come from the Conversations API response. There are a variety of API calls to obtain these values. For the purpose of this documentation, we will use the following request, which contains all the necessary data:,questions&Include=products

The table below identifies the JSON path to each value needed by

FieldValue Path
productIdN/A - in the API request
bvProductUse one of 'RatingsAndReviews' | 'AskAndAnswer' as appropriate


// Triggers an analytics event once 250 pixels of the 'bvUGC' container
// is in the browser viewport and has been visible for 2500 ms.
BV.pixel.trackViewedUGC(inViewData, {
  minPixels: 250,
  minTime: 2500,
  containerId: 'bvUGC'

trackViewedUGC is triggered when user-generated content is made visible for a set amount of time. A sample of that is seen above.


inViewDataObjectN/AAn object containing data related to the Bazaarvoice products implemented on the pageRequired
minPixelsNumber100Minimum number of pixels the UGC container must be view for the analytics event to executeOptional
minTimeNumber5000Minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, that a portion (minPixels) of the element be continuously on screenOptional
containerIdStringN/AID of the HTML element containing the user-generated content (UGC)Required


trackViewedUGC should be used to indicate that UGC visible on the page and has been in the viewport for an designated amount of time. This tag will only be triggered once per binding.

ViewedUGC data object

As seen in the previous examples the data object should contain three values:

FieldTypeSample ValuePriority
bvProductString'RatingsAndReviews' | 'AskAndAnswer'Required

Field descriptions

bvProductThis is the value of the the Bazaarvoice offering. 'RatingsAndReviews' is used when viewing content providing user's sentiment. 'AskAndAnswer' should be used when UGC is used with questions and answers.
brandThe brand name of the product.
typeThe type of page that is being viewed. Typically this will be "Product", but may also be 'Category" or 'Submission' if those are classes of pages containing the UGC.
categoryIdThis value should be obtained from the product feed.
rootCategoryIdThis value should be obtained from the product feed.