Submit Media
The /upload
submit resource allows callers to submit media for moderation to a specific Fanreel. This endpoint supports both content that has been uploaded through the /upload
bytes route, as well as direct URLs to the media content.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
mediaContainerType | string | The container type | Fanreel, Like2Buy etc. |
mediaContainerId | string | The container Identifier | qTd2wLmh etc. |
displayName | string | The content author's name. | Shippy Squirrel |
emailAddress | string | The content author's email | [email protected] |
emailOptIn | boolean | Unused. Set this to false . | false |
media | list of JSON objects | 1 or more media objects. See field details below. note: Use either URL or curalateMediaId, not both. | |
media.caption | string | Caption associated with the image. | "Shippy loves Social Commerce" |
media.type | string | Set this to Image. | Image |
media.url | string | Publicly accessible URL of the image. | |
media.curalateMediaId | string | The id returned in the result of the POST Upload Media call. |
Sample Request Body
"mediaContainerType": "Fanreel",
"mediaContainerId": "myreel",
"displayName": "Aaron A. Aaronson",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"emailOptIn": false,
"media": [
"type": "Image",
"curalateMediaId": "YwBM0ugTukDSR5ZN98Uq1WhuaVE70wFnVh1XNAO1SCA=",
"caption": "Submit image that was previously uploaded via POST upload byte"
"type": "Image",
"url": "",
"caption": "Submit image via publicly accessible URL"
Updated over 1 year ago