This page provides information about the brand data set in the Displayable Content Export (DCE).
The following are generalized examples. Actual brands will vary based on configurations. Continue to the Fields section for information on each field.
"attributesByLocale": {
"default": {
"NAME": [
"Generic Brand, Inc."
"en_GB": {
"NAME": [
"Generic Brand, Ltd."
"client": "example-client",
"creationTime": "2012-11-09T08:40:09.000Z",
"externalId": "1cpvv8ueihajacbweox4xjop9",
"id": "brand::1cpvv8ueihajacbweox4xjop9",
"lastModificationTime": "2014-05-28T08:12:22.324Z",
"type": "brand"
A brand can be related to many products.
Refer to the Product Reference to learn how to join brands and products.
Attributes by locale
"attributesByLocale": {
"default": {
"NAME": [
"Generic Brand, Inc."
"en_GB": {
"NAME": [
"Generic Brand, Ltd."
Custom attributes that define additional product-specific information. These values are set in the Product catalog feed. For details on feed formats refer to the Knowledge Base article: Product catalog.
"client": "example-client"
The client from where this content originates. The source client.
If this value is not your client name, then this content has been syndicated to you from the client identified.
Creation time
"creationTime": "2012-11-09T08:40:09.000Z"
When the content was created in the Bazaarvoice system.
External ID
"externalId": "1cpvv8ueihajacbweox4xjop9"
The identifier for the content provided by content owner. This value is set in the Product catalog feed. For details on feed formats refer to the Knowledge Base article: Product catalog.
"id": "brand::1cpvv8ueihajacbweox4xjop9"
This ID is generated by Bazaarvoice.
Last modification time
"lastModificationTime": "2014-05-28T08:12:22.324Z"
When this content was most recently modified.
"type": "brand"
The content type.
Updated 8 days ago