This page provides information about the author data set in the Displayable Content Export (DCE).
The following are generalized examples. Actual authors will vary based on configurations. Continue to the Fields section for information on each field.
"status": "APPROVED"
Refer to the Review Reference to learn how to join authors and reviews.
Refer to the Comment Reference to learn how to join authors and comments.
Refer to the Question Reference to learn how to join authors and questions.
Refer to the Answer Reference to learn how to join authors and answers.
Anonymous authors are created when content is submitted to Bazaarvoice without an identifier. Anonymous authors will not have a display name.
Author badge enabled
Indicates if the author is eligible for contributor level badges.
Native Authors Only
This field will not be present on syndicated authors.
Author rank
Authors can be assigned a rank to identify them as having special skills, for example "EXPERT". This field is customizable; Other values are possible. Refer to the Badges tutorial in the Conversations API for more information.
Native Authors Only
This field will not be present on syndicated authors.
A list of badges assigned to the Author. Refer to the Badges tutorial in the Conversations API information about badges, including recommended UI treatment.
Native Authors Only
This field will not be present on syndicated authors.
The client from where this content originates. The source client.
If this value is not your client name, then this content has been syndicated to you from the client identified.
Creation time
When the content was created in the Bazaarvoice system.
Display code
The display code associated with this author. Refer to the Configuration reference for more information.
Native Authors Only
This field will not be present on syndicated authors.
Display locale
The locale associated with this author.
Display name
The content authors public persona. This field will not be available on anonymous authors.
External ID
The identifier for the content provided by content owner. This value is created by Bazaarvoice when an author is submitted anonymously.
Universally unique value identifying item. This ID is generated by Bazaarvoice.
Last modification time
When this content was most recently modified.
Legacy ID
This identifier is used in the Bazaarvoice portal (AKA: Workbench) and standard export feeds. It is not guaranteed to be unique across clients.
The language associated with the author.
The moderation status of the author. Common values include:
The author has been moderated and is safe for public display.
The author is not eligible for moderation and should not be considered safe for public display.
The author has been moderated and is not safe for public display.
The author has not been moderated yet and should not be considered safe for public display.
Author records that are not approved are not safe for public display and therefore will only include a subset of information.
It is possible for content to be approved while the corresponding author is not. In this event we recommend you continue to display the content without the author information.
Submission ID
The unique identifier assigned to content when it was submitted. This ID exists only on native content generated on your site. It does not exist on syndicated content or on native content generated through a manual import.
Submission time
When the content was submitted.
The content type.
Updated 8 days ago