1. Request Manifest File List
The Product Sentiment Export workflow begins with a request for a manifest file list. Values in the list will be in the form of URL paths which will be used in the next step.
GET https://[stg.]api.bazaarvoice.com/psi/v1/data
Path tokens
Name | Description |
[stg.] |
Optional subdomain indicating the request should use the non-production environment. Omit to use production. In either case, production data will be returned. Learn more at Getting Started. |
Host: [stg.]api.bazaarvoice.com
X-Bazaarvoice-Passkey: {PSI_PASSKEY}
X-Bazaarvoice-Signature: {SIGNATURE}
X-Bazaarvoice-Timestamp: {TIMESTAMP}
Refer to the Reference section for details on the headers and their values.
Access signature values
Replace the {SIGNATURE}
token above with the encrypted string generated using the algorithm described in the "Creating the Access Signature" section.
Replace the tokens above with the appropriate values as described below:
Name | Description |
This is the same value communicated with the |
A Unix timestamp in milliseconds. This is the same value communicated by the ⚠ Using seconds or any increment other than milliseconds will cause your request to fail |
Response will be a JSON object containing URL paths corresponding to available manifests. The following demonstrates a typical response:
Full manifests contain all product sentiment insights data. Use the most recently generated manifest to get a complete snapshot of your product sentiment insights data.
The URL paths will be used in the next step.
Updated 7 months ago