Highlighted Reviews
This page provides information about the highlighted review data set. This data set allows you to locate each feature expression within opinion text so that the feature can be bolded, italicized, or subjected to any font changes you see fit. This data set is designed to be used as part of a Review Highlights display implementation.
For products with more than 1000 reviews, only the most recent 1000 reviews will be incorporated into summaries.
Reviews that resulted in valid opinions, but did not contain any text that was suitable for highlighting, will be omitted from the Highlighted Reviews dataset.
Recommended UI/UX
The following UI/UX is an example of how to implement a highlighted review experience as part of a Review Highlights display.

The following is a generalized example. Continue to the Fields section for information on each field, or view the Workflow Walk-Through tutorial to learn how to request this data set.
"id": "highlightedreview::2d040312-a401-5e9e-b86f-fdeaa023e032-73827-1",
"type": "highlightedreview",
"lastModificationTime": "2018-05-04T08:55:29.183Z",
"productExternalId": "792850903012",
"feature": "picture quality",
"nativeFeature": "qualité des images",
"sentiment": 1,
"reviewId": "2d040312-a401-5e9e-b86f-fdeaa023e032",
"reviewLegacyId": "3489734898",
"reviewDate": "2017-08-19T03:06:24Z",
"nativeLanguage": "fr",
"reviewRating": 5,
"isIncentivized": true,
"author": "PhotoNut7",
"title": "Objectif net et mise au point rapide",
"text": "Je suis vraiment impressionné par le fonctionnement de cet objectif dans des conditions de faible éclairage, car je photographie le baseball. Fonctionne bien avec mon 7D, la clarté est agréable et la mise au point est très rapide. Les éléments optiques de l'objectif sont incroyables avec la qualité des images. Ce sera un grand atout lorsque je photographie le basket à la fin de cette année",
"highlightedTitle": "Objectif net et mise au point rapide",
"highlightedText": "Je suis vraiment impressionné par le fonctionnement de cet objectif dans des conditions de faible éclairage, car je photographie le baseball. Fonctionne bien avec mon 7D, la clarté est agréable et la mise au point est très rapide. Les éléments optiques de l'objectif sont incroyables avec la **qualité des images**. Ce sera un grand atout lorsque je photographie le basket à la fin de cette année",
"titleHighlights": [
"highlightType": "opinion",
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 35
"textHighlights": [
"highlightType": "opinion",
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 140
"highlightType": "opinion",
"startIndex": 142,
"endIndex": 229
"highlightType": "opinion",
"startIndex": 231,
"endIndex": 310
"highlightType": "feature",
"startIndex": 292,
"endIndex": 309
"highlightType": "opinion",
"startIndex": 312,
"endIndex": 391
"enTranslatedTitle": "Sharp Lens & Fast Focus",
"enTranslatedText": "I'm really impressed with how well this lens works in low light, since I photograph baseball. Works well with my 7D, clarity is nice, and focuses very fast. The lens optical elements are amazing with how well the pictures come out. It will be a great asset when I photograph basketball late this year"
"id": "highlightedreview::2d040312-a401-5e9e-b86f-fdeaa023e032-73827-1"
Unique ID of the highlighted review.
"type": "highlightedreview"
The content type.
"lastModificationTime": "2018-05-04T08:55:29.183Z"
The time stamp of the last bulk export of highlighted review data.
"productExternalId": "792850903012"
The client's unique ID for the product.
"feature": "picture quality"
The aspect of a product that is mentioned within the opinion text. Bazaarvoice uses natural language processing to automatically identify features from review text. There is no fixed feature dictionary and features may differ between categories (for example, “picture quality” is a feature of televisions but not of socks).
"nativeFeature": "qualité des images"
The feature in the native language of the review. For English language reviews, “nativeFeature” is the same as “feature”.
"sentiment": 1
The sentiment of the feature discussion: 1 for positive, -1 for negative.
"reviewId": "2d040312-a401-5e9e-b86f-fdeaa023e032"
The Bazaarvoice review GUID.
"reviewLegacyId": "3489734898"
The Bazaarvoice review integer ID.
"reviewDate": "2017-08-19T03:06:24Z"
The submission date of the review.
"nativeLanguage": "fr"
The native language of the review.
"reviewRating": 5
The overall rating of the review. Positive and negative opinions are discovered independently of the review rating. For example, a review might have 5 stars but still contain a minor complaint that is extracted as a negative opinion.
"isIncentivized": true
The incentivized status of the review. If true, the review is incentivized.
"author": "PhotoNut7"
The username of the review author.
"title": "Objectif net et mise au point rapide"
The original review title.
"text": "Je suis vraiment impressionné par le fonctionnement de cet objectif dans des conditions de faible éclairage, car je photographie le baseball. Fonctionne bien avec mon 7D, la clarté est agréable et la mise au point est très rapide. Les éléments optiques de l'objectif sont incroyables avec la qualité des images. Ce sera un grand atout lorsque je photographie le basket à la fin de cette année"
The original review text.
"highlightedTitle": "Objectif net et mise au point rapide"
The review title with mentions of the feature emphasized with markup.
"highlightedText": "Je suis vraiment impressionné par le fonctionnement de cet objectif dans des conditions de faible éclairage, car je photographie le baseball. Fonctionne bien avec mon 7D, la clarté est agréable et la mise au point est très rapide. Les éléments optiques de l'objectif sont incroyables avec la qualité des images. Ce sera un grand atout lorsque je photographie le basket à la fin de cette année"
The review text with mentions of the feature emphasized with markup.
"titleHighlights": [
"highlightType": "opinion",
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 35
Start and end indices of quotes and mentions of the feature within the review title. Highlights of type "opinion" are for identifying entire sentences that mention the feature. Highlights of type "feature" are for identifying individual mentions of the feature within sentences. The startIndex is the 0-based index of the first character of the sentence or feature mention. The endIndex is the 0-based index of the last character of the sentence or feature mention.
"textHighlights": [
"highlightType": "opinion",
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 140
"highlightType": "opinion",
"startIndex": 142,
"endIndex": 229
"highlightType": "opinion",
"startIndex": 231,
"endIndex": 310
"highlightType": "feature",
"startIndex": 292,
"endIndex": 309
"highlightType": "opinion",
"startIndex": 312,
"endIndex": 391
Start and end indices of quotes and mentions of the feature within the review text. Highlights of type "opinion" are for identifying entire sentences that mention the feature. Highlights of type "feature" are for identifying individual mentions of the feature within sentences. The startIndex is the 0-based index of the first character of the sentence or feature mention. The endIndex is the 0-based index of the last character of the sentence or feature mention.
"enTranslatedTitle": "Sharp Lens & Fast Focus"
The English translation of the review title. For English language reviews, "enTranslatedTitle" is the same as "title".
"enTranslatedText": "I'm really impressed with how well this lens works in low light, since I photograph baseball. Works well with my 7D, clarity is nice, and focuses very fast. The lens optical elements are amazing with how well the pictures come out. It will be a great asset when I photograph basketball late this year"
The English translation of the review text. For English language reviews, "enTranslatedText" is the same as "text".
Updated about 1 year ago