Product Summaries
This page provides information about the product summaries data set. This data set, in conjunction with the highlighted reviews data set, allows you to create a Review Highlights display.
When consumers read reviews on a product detail page, they are trying to develop a holistic sense of what is "good" and "bad" about the product they are interested in purchasing. A relatively straightforward item, like toilet paper, can have several hundred different features (softness, thickness, material, length, quilted, ply count, etc.) that are discussed in tens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of reviews. The Review Highlights display provides consumers with an easy-to-use, interactive research tool that helps save time compared to reading multiple reviews.
For products with more than 1000 reviews, only the most recent 1000 reviews will be incorporated into summaries.
Recommended UI/UX
The following summary are highlights of the suggested product sentiment insights UI/UX:
- Features should be delineated in "pros" and "cons" sections. Bazaarvoice recommend at least up to 3 pros/cons.
- The top Feature ( "feature":) in each list should be in the active state on load.
- "Feature" label is bolded. Supporting highlighted quote & author should be displayed adjacent to "feature" label.
- Each feature in the list should be clickable.
- A view all reviews associated to that "feature" should be available. Those reviews can be sourced within
. - Adjacent to each feature should be either
based on whether it shows up as a pro or a con.

The following is a generalized example. Continue to the Fields section for information on each field, or view the Workflow Walk-Through tutorial to learn how to request this data set..
"id": "productsummary::792850903012",
"type": "productsummary",
"lastModificationTime": "2018-05-04T08:55:29.183Z",
"productExternalId": "792850903012",
"bestFeatures": [
"feature": "ease of use",
"featureTranslations": {
"fr": "facilité d'utilisation",
"de": "Benutzerfreundlichkeit",
"es": "facilidad de uso"
"percentPositive": 0.96,
"totalReviewsMentioned": 26,
"positiveReviewsMentioned": 22,
"negativeReviewsMentioned": 1,
"incentivizedReviewsMentioned": 4,
"positiveReviewsAverageRating": 4.73,
"negativeReviewsAverageRating": 3,
"incentivizedReviewsAverageRating": 4.2,
"representativeQuotes": [
"quoteId": "b0YmHWXFPQ6ksc3k69zeIvFHz4pdfLid",
"quote": "Il est super facile à utiliser, cet appareil photo est phénoménal!",
"highlightedQuote": "Il est super facile à utiliser, cet appareil photo est phénoménal!",
"enTranslatedQuote": "It is super easy to use, this camera is phenomenal!",
"reviewId": "1d040312-a401-5e9e-b86f-fdeaa023e031",
"nativeLanguage": "fr",
"reviewLegacyId": "177885798",
"reviewDate": "2017-08-19T03:06:24Z",
"reviewRating": 5,
"isIncentivized": false,
"author": "Ruth07",
"highlights": []
"worstFeatures": [
"feature": "price",
"featureTranslations": {
"fr": "le prix",
"de": "Preis",
"es": "precio"
"percentPositive": 0.56,
"totalReviewsMentioned": 17,
"positiveReviewsMentioned": 5,
"negativeReviewsMentioned": 4,
"incentivizedReviewsMentioned": 4,
"positiveReviewsAverageRating": 4.8,
"negativeReviewsAverageRating": 3,
"incentivizedReviewsAverageRating": 3.7,
"representativeQuotes": [
"quoteId": "hNxbFfalIaE1QobEGJ6jOqVyGe+IBXzb3dVjOqzfZyM=",
"quote": "Inconvénients - Le prix est trop élevé - Lentille fragile.",
"highlightedQuote": "Inconvénients - **Le prix** est trop élevé - Lentille fragile.",
"enTranslatedquote": "Cons - Price is too steep - Fragile lens.",
"reviewId": "e18fa0dd-04d2-53fc-b71d-3481060bf1fd",
"reviewLegacyId": "175771571",
"nativeLanguage": "fr",
"reviewDate": "2017-07-02T12:31:01Z",
"reviewRating": 2,
"isIncentivized": false,
"author": "LarryL3",
"highlights": [
"highlightType": "feature",
"startIndex": 16,
"endIndex": 22
"id": "productsummary::792850903012"
Unique ID of the product summary.
"type": "productsummary"
The content type.
"lastModificationTime": "2018-05-04T08:55:29.183Z"
The time stamp of the last bulk export of product summary data.
"productExternalId": "792850903012"
The client's unique ID for the product.
"bestFeatures": [
"feature": "ease of use",
"featureTranslations": {
"fr": "facilité d'utilisation",
"de": "Benutzerfreundlichkeit",
"es": "facilidad de uso"
"percentPositive": 0.96,
"totalReviewsMentioned": 26,
"positiveReviewsMentioned": 22,
"negativeReviewsMentioned": 1,
"incentivizedReviewsMentioned": 4,
"positiveReviewsAverageRating": 4.73,
"negativeReviewsAverageRating": 3,
"incentivizedReviewsAverageRating": 4.2,
"representativeQuotes": [
"quoteId": "b0YmHWXFPQ6ksc3k69zeIvFHz4pdfLid",
"quote": "Il est super facile à utiliser, cet appareil photo est phénoménal!",
"highlightedQuote": "Il est super facile à utiliser, cet appareil photo est phénoménal!",
"enTranslatedQuote": "It is super easy to use, this camera is phenomenal!",
"reviewId": "1d040312-a401-5e9e-b86f-fdeaa023e031",
"nativeLanguage": "fr",
"reviewLegacyId": "177885798",
"reviewDate": "2017-08-19T03:06:24Z",
"reviewRating": 5,
"isIncentivized": false,
"author": "Ruth07",
"highlights": []
Up to 5 features of the product discussed the most positively by reviewers.
"worstFeatures": [
"feature": "price",
"featureTranslations": {
"fr": "le prix",
"de": "Preis",
"es": "precio"
"percentPositive": 0.56,
"totalReviewsMentioned": 17,
"positiveReviewsMentioned": 5,
"negativeReviewsMentioned": 4,
"incentivizedReviewsMentioned": 4,
"positiveReviewsAverageRating": 4.8,
"negativeReviewsAverageRating": 3,
"incentivizedReviewsAverageRating": 3.7,
"representativeQuotes": [
"quoteId": "hNxbFfalIaE1QobEGJ6jOqVyGe+IBXzb3dVjOqzfZyM=",
"quote": "Inconvénients - Le prix est trop élevé - Lentille fragile.",
"highlightedQuote": "Inconvénients - **Le prix** est trop élevé - Lentille fragile.",
"enTranslatedquote": "Cons - Price is too steep - Fragile lens.",
"reviewId": "e18fa0dd-04d2-53fc-b71d-3481060bf1fd",
"reviewLegacyId": "175771571",
"nativeLanguage": "fr",
"reviewDate": "2017-07-02T12:31:01Z",
"reviewRating": 2,
"isIncentivized": false,
"author": "LarryL3",
"highlights": [
"highlightType": "feature",
"startIndex": 16,
"endIndex": 22
Up to 5 features of the product discussed the most negatively by reviewers.
"fr": "facilité d'utilisation",
"de": "Benutzerfreundlichkeit",
"es": "facilidad de uso"
The French, German and Spanish translations of this feature.
"percentPositive": 0.96
The percentage of reviewers' opinions about this feature that are positive vs. negative.
"totalReviewsMentioned": 26
The number of reviews mentioning this feature for this product.
"positiveReviewsMentioned": 22
The number of reviews that include a positive mention of this feature for this product.
"negativeReviewsAverageRating": 1
The number of reviews that include a negative mention of this feature for this product.
"incentivizedReviewsMentioned": 4
The number of incentivized reviews that include a mention of this feature for this product.
"positiveReviewsAverageRating": 4.73
The average rating of reviews that contain a positive mention of this feature for this product.
"negativeReviewsAverageRating": 3
The average rating of reviews that contain a negative mention of this feature for this product.
"incentivizedReviewsAverageRating": 4.2
The average rating of incentivized reviews that contain a mention of this feature for this product.
"representativeQuotes": [
"quoteId": "hNxbFfalIaE1QobEGJ6jOqVyGe+IBXzb3dVjOqzfZyM=",
"quote": "Inconvénients - Le prix est trop élevé - Lentille fragile.",
"highlightedQuote": "Inconvénients - **Le prix** est trop élevé - Lentille fragile.",
"enTranslatedquote": "Cons - Price is too steep - Fragile lens.",
"reviewId": "e18fa0dd-04d2-53fc-b71d-3481060bf1fd",
"reviewLegacyId": "175771571",
"nativeLanguage": "fr",
"reviewDate": "2017-07-02T12:31:01Z",
"reviewRating": 2,
"isIncentivized": false,
"author": "LarryL3",
"highlights": [
"highlightType": "feature",
"startIndex": 16,
"endIndex": 22
Up to 5 quotes drawn from user reviews that characterize the positive or negative sentiment about this feature for this product.
"quoteId": "hNxbFfalIaE1QobEGJ6jOqVyGe+IBXzb3dVjOqzfZyM"
A unique identifier for the feature quote.
"quote": "Inconvénients - Le prix est trop élevé - Lentille fragile."
The original text of the quote about the feature.
"highlightedQuote": "Inconvénients - **Le prix** est trop élevé - Lentille fragile."
The text of the feature quote with markup to emphasize the mention(s) of the feature. Non-English quotes may not contain markup.
"enTranslatedquote": "Cons - Price is too steep - Fragile lens."
The English translation of the quote about the feature. For English language quotes, "enTranslatedQuote" is the same as "quote".
"reviewId": "e18fa0dd-04d2-53fc-b71d-3481060bf1fd"
The Bazaarvoice review GUID.
"reviewLegacyId": "177885798"
The Bazaarvoice review integer ID.
"nativeLanguage": "fr"
The native language of the review from which this quote was extracted.
"reviewDate": "2017-08-19T03:06:24Z"
The submission date of the review.
"reviewRating": 2
The overall rating of the review. Positive and negative opinions are discovered independently of the review rating. For example, a review might have 5 stars but still contain a minor complaint that is extracted as a negative opinion.
"isIncentivized": false
The incentivized status of the review from which this quote was extracted. If true, the review was incentivized.
"author": "LarryL3"
The username of the review author.
"highlights": [
"highlightType": "feature",
"startIndex": 16,
"endIndex": 22
Start and end indices of mentions of the feature within the quote. Non-English quotes may not contain highlighting. The startIndex is the 0-based index of the first character of the feature mention. The endIndex is the 0-based index of the last character of the feature mention.
Updated about 1 year ago