Update Client Response

This page describes how to update a client response record.



HTTP PATCH is required.

  PATCH https://[stg.]api.bazaarvoice.com/response/v1/clientResponses/{responseGuid}?passkey={RESPONSE_API_PASSKEY} HTTP/1.1

  Content-Type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}

    "attributes": {
      "department": "string",
      "response": "string",
      "responseBy": "string"

Ellipses (…) in above example indicate that your app may generate other headers.


When updating a client response, the body must include the exact JSON structure shown above. This includes attributes, department, and response elements. Older applications may be using https://[stg.]api.bazaarvoice.com/**contentmanagement** as the base URL for the Response API, instead of https://[stg.]api.bazaarvoice.com/**response**. The contentmanagement URL has been deprecated. However, Bazaarvoice will continue to support applications that use the contentmanagement URL until further notice.


responseGuidGuid of the review response.Yes
passkeyResponse API passkey.Yes
AuthorizationThe Authorization value will consist of the string Bearer followed by the OAuth2 access token. Refer to OAuth2 Integration for more information.Yes
attributesContainer node that wraps the department,response and responseBy.Yes
departmentThe department name providing the response. If you don't specify a value, the current value will be retained.No
responseThe textual response to the review. Limited to 65,535 ascii characters. Ascii. If you don't specify a value, the current value will be retained.No
responseByThe name of the responder. If you don't specify a value, the current value will be retained.No



HTTP status 200 indicates success. Other header values are documented in the API Reference.


The response will contain a JSON object in the body. This following code demonstrates how a typical successful update (PATCH request) of a client response record is performed.

      "type": "clientResponse",
      "attributes": {
          "department": "Some department name - updated",
          "response": "This is a sample client response.",
          "responseBy": "Name of responder",
          "responseSource": "Name of Application created for OAuth",
          "responderClient": "Client ID"  
          "created": "2018-06-22T19:55:03Z",
          "updated": "2018-06-27T14:32:15Z"
      "relationships": {
          "author": {
              "data": {
                  "type": "author",
                  "id": "Dav OAuth"
              "links": {
                  "self": "https://[stg.]api.bazaarvoice.com/response/v1/clientResponses/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/relationships/author",
                  "related": "https://[stg.]api.bazaarvoice.com/response/v1/clientResponses/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/author"
          "review": {
              "data": {
                  "type": "review",
                  "id": "75266",
                  "clientName": "apitestcustomer"
              "links": {
                  "self": "https://[stg.]api.bazaarvoice.com/response/v1/clientResponses/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/relationships/review",
                  "related": "https://[stg.]api.bazaarvoice.com/response/v1/clientResponses/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/review"
      "links": {
          "self": "https://[stg.]api.bazaarvoice.com/response/v1/clientResponses/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX"

The definition of the key/values returned in the response body are documented in the API Reference.

The updated value now will be the timestamp of executed PATCH.

The responseSource node value in the response is obtained from the OAuth application created by Bazaarvoice when providing access to the Client Response API. This value cannot be overridden in the submission PATCH.

Contents within the relationships node are provided as part of the JSON API specification.


For solutions to common Response API errors, refer to Troubleshooting.

Duplicate response text is submitted for the same reviewId:

      "httpCode": 400,
      "requestURI": "/response/v1/clientResponses/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "errors": [
              "code": "INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE",
              "field": "response",
              "message": "Duplicate '{response text}' detected for ClientResponse.response"



Client responses should come from individuals who are well-versed in the product and brand. Any user-generated content (UGC) submitted through your website generally goes through a rigorous moderation process.

It’s important to note that the Bazaarvoice Client Response API cannot be used to moderate review responses. Client responses submitted via the Response API will be displayed on your website as they are and will not be subject to Bazaarvoice’s UGC moderati

Time to live

All actions within the Bazaarvoice Client Response API are 'near real-time'. The success of response modifications, creations, and deletions is dependent on the time required for the Bazaarvoice caches to update. Additionally, the rate at which responses appear can be influenced by client-implemented caching.