Reviews Submissions


Only API keys on our Conversations PRR platform are eligible to use this API version. Refer to the Platforms section of our Platform & API Concepts documentation to learn which platform your API keys are on.

Submit reviews on a product.


Submission is divided into the following three HTTP operations controlled by the Action parameter:

ActionDescriptionHTTP Method
Action=Response represents fields necessary to create a submission form. The Action parameter is optional for this operation.GET, POST
Action=PreviewUsed to validate a submission. Response will include errors on failure. Data will not be stored.GET, POST
Action=SubmitOn success data will be stored and response will include a submission ID. On failure response will contain errors.POST

Action=Submit may occur without first performing Action= and Action=Preview.


View a review submission form


This action may be done with an HTTP POST or GET.

View a review submission form prepopulated with user data


Use either the User or UserId parameter depending on your API key configuration. This action may be done with an HTTP POST or GET.

Preview a review submission


This action may be done with an HTTP POST or GET.

Submit a review

POST /data/submitreview.json HTTP/1.1
Host: [stg.]
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
X-Forwarded-For: [AuthorIPAddress]


Ellipses (...) in above example indicate that your app may generate other headers.

This action must take the form of an HTTP POST.


Content-TypeThe media-type type of the request body. Value must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

This field is required in all API requests.
X-Forwarded-ForIP address of content author. This header is only necessary when performing submissions from your server. See Authenticity Tutorial for more information.

Per the Bazaarvoice Authenticity Policy, you must send author IP address attached to each submission. If you fail to send author IP address with your submission, Bazaarvoice may take any action deemed necessary in Bazaarvoice’s sole discretion to protect the integrity of the network. Such actions may include but are not limited to: rejection of your content, halting syndication of your content on the Bazaarvoice network, revocation of your API key, or revocation of your API license.

Failure to submit this field will result in your content being ineligible for syndication, authenticity or other business processes.

Your app may generate other headers.


[FORMAT]Response format (
xml This feature will not be available or will behave differently in future versions of the Conversations API. Click for more information.
or json)

This field is required in all API requests.
ActionThe submission action to take -- either 'Action=', 'Action=Preview' or 'Action=Submit'. 'Action=' will show information that can be used to build a submission form, 'Action=Preview' will show a draft of the content to be submitted; 'Action=Submit' will submit the content. If 'Action=Submit', the request must be an HTTP POST. Learn more.
AdditionalField_<Dimension-External-Id>A concrete example of the parameter might be 'AdditionalField_Seat' with a value of '24F' (describing the seat number at a stadium or on a plane).

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
AgreedToTermsAndConditionsBoolean indicating whether or not the user agreed to the terms and conditions. Required depending on the client's settings.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
ApiVersionThe API version, e.g. 5.4.

This field is required in all API requests.
CampaignIdArbitrary text that may be saved alongside content to indicate vehicle by which content was captured, e.g. β€œpost-purchase email”.
ConsLegacy free text tags allow a user to submit a delimited string of negative words or phrases. This field does not support filtering or sorting and is only available to clients with it enabled already. All other clients should use tag dimensions .

This feature is only available to clients on our Conversations PRR platform. Learn more .

This field may be required depending on per client
ContextDataValue_<Dimension-External-Id>Some examples of this parameter include the following. Each is followed by possible values.

- ContextDataValue_PurchaserRank - "top", "top10", "top100", "top1000"
- ContextDataValue_Purchaser - "yes", "no"
- ContextDataValue_Age - "under21", "21to34", "35to44", "45to54", "55to64", "over65"
- ContextDataValue_Gender - "male", "female"

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
fpFingerprint of content author's device. See the Authenticity Tutorial for more information.

Per the Bazaarvoice Authenticity Policy, you must send a device fingerprint attached to each submission. If you fail to send a device fingerprint with your submission, Bazaarvoice may take any action deemed necessary in Bazaarvoice’s sole discretion to protect the integrity of the network. Such actions may include but are not limited to: rejection of your content, halting syndication of your content on the Bazaarvoice network, revocation of your API key, or revocation of your API license.

Failure to submit this field will result in your content being ineligible for syndication, authenticity or other business processes.
HostedAuthentication_AuthenticationEmailEmail address where the submitter will receive the confirmation email. If you are configured to use hosted email authentication, this parameter is required. See the Authenticate User method for more information on hosted authentication.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
HostedAuthentication_CallbackUrlURL of the link contained in the user authentication email. This should point to a landing page where a web application exists to complete the user authentication process. The host for the URL must be one of the domains configured for the client. The link in the email will contain a user authentication token (authtoken) that is used to verify the submitter. If you are configured to use hosted email authentication, this parameter is required. See the hosted authentication tutorial for more information.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
IsRecommended Value is true or false; default is null – "true" or "false" answer to "I would recommend this to a friend".

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
LocaleLocale to display Labels, Configuration, Product Attributes and Category Attributes in. The default value is the locale defined in the display associated with the API key.

Failure to submit this field will result in your content being ineligible for syndication, authenticity or other business processes.
NetPromoterCommentValue is text representing a user comment to explain numerical Net Promoter score.
NetPromoterScoreValue is positive integer between 1 and 10 representing a numerical rating in response to β€œHow would you rate this company?”
PassKeyAPI key is required to authenticate API user and check permission to access particular client's data.

This field is required in all API requests.
PhotoCaption_<n>Value is caption text for the photo URL with the same value of <n>.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
PhotoUrl_<n>Value is a Bazaarvoice URL of a photo uploaded using the Data API , where <n> is a non-negative integer. See our photo upload tutorial for more information.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
ProductIdThe ID of the product that this content is being submitted on.

This field is required in all API requests.
ProductRecommendationId_<n>Value is non-negative integer representing the product external ID of the <n>'th product recommendation (for Social Recommendations).

This feature is only available to clients on our Conversations PRR platform. Learn more .
ProsLegacy free text tags allow a user to submit a delimited string of positive words or phrases. This field does not support filtering or sorting and is only available to clients with it enabled already. All other clients should use tag dimensions .

This feature is only available to clients on our Conversations PRR platform. Learn more .

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
RatingValue is positive integer between 1 and 5, and represents review overall rating. Required depending on client settings.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
Rating_<Dimension-External-Id>A concrete example might be Rating_Quality where the value would represent the user's opinion of the quality of the product. The value is a positive integer between 1 and 5 and represents rating dimension value.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
ReviewTextValue is review body text.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
SendEmailAlertWhenCommentedBoolean indicating whether or not the user wants to be notified when a comment is posted on the content.
SendEmailAlertWhenPublishedBoolean indicating whether or not the user wants to be notified when his/her content is published.
tag_<Dimension-External-Id>_<n>A concrete example of the parameter might be 'tag_Pro_1'. Valid values could be any free-form text. <n> should be a non-negative integer starting at the number 1.
tagid_<Dimension-External-Id>/<Tag-Label>Boolean indicating whether or not the tag applies to the user. A concrete example might be 'tagid_Pro/EasyToUse=true'.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
TitleValue is content title text.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
UserValue of the encrypted user. This parameter demonstrates that a user has been authenticated. Note that the UserId parameter does not contain authentication information and should not be used for hosted authentication. See the Authenticate User method for more information.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
UserEmailUser's email address.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
UserIdUser's external ID. This value should come from your authentication system. See Client-Mastered Authentication for more information.

Do not use an email address for this value.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
UserLocationUser location text.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
UserNicknameUser nickname display text.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
VideoCaption_<n>Value is caption text for the video URL with the same value of <n>.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.
VideoUrl_<n>Value is valid URL to a YouTube video or a Bazaarvoice
hosted videoThis feature is only available to clients on our Conversations PRR platform. Click for more information.
where <n> is a non-negative integer.

This field may be required depending on per client configurations.

Response format


Do not reuse the API passkey below in your application.

Preview a review submission:

The following is an example of a review submission response after submitting the form by HTTP POST:

    "Title":"This product is really nifty"

Response elements

DataSection containing the fields and field groups.
HasErrorsBoolean value indicating if there are errors present.
FormSection containing an array of field and group references.
FormErrorsSection containing an object whose properties represent user input errors. For example, failure to submit the minimum required characters for a particular field.
TypicalHoursToPostUsual time it takes for the content to get posted.
SubmissionIdUnique submission event ID referring to successful submission events such as submission, update, and others
ReviewSection containing the review data.
LocaleThe locale that will be associated with this submission.
ErrorsError section is populated instead of other fields if there is an error with a query syntax or problem executing a query.

Error codes

ERROR_ACCESS_DENIEDInsufficient privileges to perform the operation
ERROR_FORM_DUPLICATEThe nickname is already in use.
ERROR_FORM_DUPLICATE_NICKNAMEThe nickname is already in use.
ERROR_FORM_EMOJIEmoji are not supported.
ERROR_FORM_INVALID_EMAILADDRESSEmail address is not in the proper format.
ERROR_FORM_INVALID_OPTIONThe selected option has been removed.
ERROR_FORM_PATTERN_MISMATCHThis field is not in the correct format.
ERROR_FORM_PROFANITYThe content contains inappropriate language.
ERROR_FORM_REJECTEDThe submission was rejected.
ERROR_FORM_REQUIREDA required field was not supplied.
ERROR_FORM_REQUIRED_EITHERBoth of the required hosted authentication parameters are missing.
ERROR_FORM_REQUIRED_NICKNAMEYou must enter a nickname.
ERROR_FORM_REQUIRES_TRUEA field requires a value of true. (e.g., "You must agree to the terms and conditions.")
ERROR_FORM_RESTRICTEDContent provider's age is too young. (e.g., "Content cannot be accepted from minors under age 13.")
ERROR_FORM_SUBMITTED_NICKNAMEThis nickname has already been submitted.
ERROR_FORM_TOO_FEWThere must be a minimum number of items contributed for this field.
ERROR_FORM_TOO_HIGHThis field has too many items.
ERROR_FORM_TOO_LONGThe field has too many characters.
ERROR_FORM_TOO_LOWThis field has too few items.
ERROR_FORM_TOO_SHORTThe field doesn't have enough characters.
ERROR_FORM_UPLOAD_IOThe item could not be uploaded. Ensure that it is a valid file type.
ERROR_DUPLICATE_SUBMISSIONDuplicate submissions are not allowed for this client
ERROR_PARAM_INVALID_PARAMETERSInvalid parameter in content submission
ERROR_PARAM_MISSING_SUBJECT_IDSubmission is missing a product to submit against. A product id is REQUIRED for review submissions.
ERROR_PARAM_MISSING_USER_IDThis client does not allow unauthenticated submissions. A valid UserId is required.
ERROR_REQUEST_LIMIT_REACHEDRate limiting error, i.e. too many requests per time interval
ERROR_UNKNOWNUnknown error (internal server error, for instance)
ERROR_UNSUPPORTEDFor unsupported features, clients etc.