Reviews Display


Only API keys on our Conversations PRR platform are eligible to use this API version. Refer to the Platforms section of our Platform & API Concepts documentation to learn which platform your API keys are on.

Returns Reviews and Rating data.



Demonstration purposes only. Do not reuse the API passkeys below in your application.

Requesting all reviews for a particular product

This example call shows how to use multiple filters. This call only returns the reviews that have comments on them. The reviews are sorted in descending order by Rating.

Requesting all reviews for a particular product with review statistics (inc. average rating)

This example call shows how to use the include and stats parameters to retrieve product information and review statistics (including average rating). Note: Stats=Reviews must be used in conjunction with Include=Products.

Requesting a single review by Review ID for a particular product

You can request multiple reviews by separating the review IDs with a comma - e.g. filter=id:83,84,85

Requesting a single review by Review ID including Product information for a particular product

You can request multiple pieces of information by separating them with a comma - e.g. Include=products,categories,authors

Requesting 20 reviews that have comments, sorted by rating in ascending order for a particular product

You can sort by multiple attributes by separating them with a comma - e.g. Sort=Rating:desc,SubmissionTime:asc

Requesting all native (non-syndicated) reviews


Native (non-syndicated) content only. Continue reading for more details.

Requests for this content type that do not include a ProductId, AuthorId, CategoryAncestorId, SubmissionId, or Review Id filter will only work with API keys that are configured to exclude syndicated content.

We recommend using our Displayable Content Export service to download all of your native and syndicated content. If you still prefer the Conversations API, then you may contact our support team to have your Conversations API keys re-configured.


NameDescriptionRequiredDefault Value
ApiVersionThe API version, e.g. 5.4.Yes
[FORMAT]Response format (
xml This feature will not be available or will behave differently in future versions of the Conversations API. Click for more information.
or json)
PassKeyAPI key is required to authenticate API user and check permission to access particular client's data.Yes
AttributesAttributes to be included when returning content. For example, if includes are requested along with the &attributes=ModeratorCodes parameter, both the includes and the results will contain moderator codes. In order to filter by ModeratorCode, you must request the ModeratorCodes attribute parameter.No
CallbackCallback function name used with JSONP. Value is a string consisting of the following characters: a-z,A-Z,0-9,_ (excluding comma). See the JSONP tutorial for more information.No
ExcludeFamilyBoolean flag indicating whether to exclude content from other products in the same family as the requested product. For example, "&filter=productid:eq:1101&excludeFamily=true" limits returned content to just that of product 1101 and not any of the products in the same family. If a value is not defined, content on all products in the family will be returned.NoFalse
FilterFilter criteria for primary content of the query. Multiple filter criteria are supported.No
Filter_[TYPE]Filtering option for included nested content. TYPE can be any included nested content. i.e. Comments for Reviews.No
IncentivizedStatsIf set to true, displays the number of incentivized reviews for each product or author returned in the response within an IncentivizedReviewCount element. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the Include parameter to include authors or products in the response, and also with the FilteredStats or Stats parameters to include statistics for reviews in the response.NoFalse
IncludeRelated subjects to be included (e.g. Products, Categories, Authors, or Comments).NoWill only return Reviews
LimitMax number of records returned. An error is returned if the value passed exceeds 100.No10
Limit_[TYPE]Limit option for the nested content type returned. TYPE can be any nested content. i.e. Comments for Reviews. An error is returned if the value passed exceeds 20.No10
LocaleLocale to display Labels, Configuration, Product Attributes and Category Attributes in. The default value is the locale defined in the display associated with the API key.No
OffsetIndex at which to return results. By default, indexing begins at 0 when you issue a query. Using Limit=100, Offset=0 returns results 0-99. When changing this to Offset=1, results 1-100 are returned. The maximum supported value is 300000.No0
SearchFull-text search string used to find UGC. For more information about what fields are searched by default, see the Conversations API page.

Note: This invalidates sort options due to the fact that search takes precedence in returned data.
Search_[Type]Searching option for included content followed by full-text search string. See the Conversations API page for examples of searching for included data.

Note: This invalidates sort options due to the fact that search takes precedence in returned data.
SortSort criteria for primary content type of the query. Sort order is required (asc or desc). Multi-attribute sorting for each content/subject type is supported.No
Sort_[TYPE]Sorting option for nested content. Sort order is required (asc or desc). TYPE can be any nested content. i.e. Comments for Reviews.No
StatsThe type of statistics that will be calculated on included subjects. Available content types are: Reviews, Questions, Answers. Note: Not all statistical content types apply to every possible include.No

Filter options

  • Each filter argument specifies the attribute to filter on followed by a comma-separated list of values. For instance, "Filter=Rating:eq:3,4" will match all reviews with rating values 3 OR 4.
  • Advanced operators can be used to define filters. For instance, "Filter=Rating:lt:3" will match all reviews with a rating value less than 3. All advanced operators are documented on the Conversations API page.
  • If a filter value contains a comma or a colon, that character needs to be escaped with a backslash (\, or \:). If a filter value contains an ampersand (&), the ampersand must be encoded in the filter value by replacing & with %26.
  • Multiple filters are allowed as URL parameters in which case filters are AND'ed. For instance, "Filter=Rating:gte:4&Filter=IsFeatured:eq:true" will match all featured reviews with a rating of 4-star or higher.
  • Time-based filters can be used for SubmissionTime, LastModificationTime and LastModeratedTime. Dates in time-based filters are calculated as the number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. In a future version, we will be adding support for comparing date/time string values. The following example returns content that was submitted on November 9, 2009: &filter=SubmissionTime:gt:1257746400&filter=SubmissionTime:lt:1257832800

The following table lists the attributes available for filtering.

IdThe identifier of the review.
AdditionalField_[FIELD_NAME]Additional field to filter by, e.g., filter=AdditionalField_[FIELD_NAME]:eq:[FIELD_VALUE]
AffiliationThe valid affiliation type. For example, to display answers by staff members, use filter=affiliation:eq:Staff. The affiliation value is case-sensitive and can be any value that is set in your configuration.
AuthorIdThe identifier of the author who wrote the content.
CampaignIdThe identifier of the Campaign associated with the content
CategoryAncestorIdThe identifier of the Product Category ancestor of the Product that the Review was written on. Syndicated content will not be returned when using this filter.
ContentLocaleLocale of the content to display. If this filter is not defined, all content regardless of its locale is returned. To return specific content by locale, define the value in the filter. A wildcard character “*” can be used to define the value, e.g., “en*” returns all content in English (en_US, en_CA, en_GB, etc.) or you can use a single ContentLocale code (e.g., “fr_FR”). ContentLocale codes are case-sensitive.
ContextDataValue_[DIMENSION_EXTERNAL_ID]The context data value for the content. DIMENSION_EXTERNAL_ID can be age, gender, etc. e.g. filter=contextdatavalue_age:under21
HasCommentsBoolean flag indicating whether content has comments
HasPhotosBoolean flag indicating whether content has photos
HasTagsBoolean flag indicating whether content has tags
HasVideosBoolean flag indicating whether content has videos. For more information on inserting the returned VideoUrl into HTML, see the Conversations API page.
IsFeaturedBoolean flag indicating whether content is featured
IsRatingsOnlyBoolean flag indicating whether the review was a ratings only review
IsRecommendedBoolean flag indicating whether the user would recommend this product
IsSubjectActiveBoolean flag indicating whether the content subject is active
IsSyndicatedBoolean flag indicating whether the review has been syndicated. If IsSyndicated:eq:true, a SyndicationSource block with the details of where the syndication is coming from is displayed. Note: The API key must be configured to show syndicated content.
LastModeratedTimeThe date/time of the latest moderation of the content. See the Introduction for an example of using advanced operators for filtering.
LastModificationTimeThe date/time of the latest modification of the content. See the Introduction for an example of using advanced operators for filtering.
ModeratorCodeString value indicating the moderator code for rejected content that was at one time, e.g., &Filter=ModeratorCode:eq:CR returns UGC that contains the CR (Competitor Reference) code. Multiple codes can be entered in a comma-delimited list, e.g., &Filter=ModeratorCode:eq:CS,IU returns UGC with either the CS (Customer Service Complaint) or the IU (Inappropriate/Unusable Content) code. For a list of all Moderator Codes, see the Conversations API page. Note that the ModeratorCodes attribute parameter should be included in the request. This will ensure the moderated code(s) for each request will be included in the response. If the ModeratorCodes attribute is missing the filter will still perform, but there is not indication of which elements have been tagged with which codes. See the Parameters section above. A more detailed discussion on how moderation works can be found here .
ProductBrandIdThe value of the external product brand ID. The value is case-insensitive. To return content that doesn't have a brand ID associated with it, set productbrandid:eq:null.

ProductBrandID filtering does not work with syndicated content.
ProductIdThe identifier of the Product that the Review was written on.
RatingThe Review Rating, usually between 1 to 5.
SecondaryRating_[RATING_NAME]Secondary rating value to filter by, e.g., filter=SecondaryRating_Durability:gte:1. Note: All advanced operators can be used for secondary ratings comparisons.
SubmissionIdSubmission identifier assigned to the content when it was initially submitted
SubmissionTimeThe submission date/time of the content. See the Introduction for an example of using advanced operators for filtering.
Tag\_[TAG_NAME]\The tag name to filter by, e.g., filter=tag_[TAG_NAME]:eq:[TAG_VALUE]
TotalCommentCountThe number of comments the Review has
TotalFeedbackCountNumber of feedbacks received
TotalNegativeFeedbackCountNumber of negative feedbacks received
TotalPositiveFeedbackCountNumber of positive feedbacks received
UserLocationLocation of the author

Sort options

  • Sort order is required (asc or desc). There is no default.
  • Multi-attribute sorting is supported by using a comma separated list of sort criteria for a content/subject type. e.g. Sort=Rating:asc,SubmissionTime:desc

The following table lists the attributes that are available for sorting.

IdThe identifier of the content/subject type.
AdditionalField_[FIELD_NAME]Additional field to sort by, e.g., sort=AdditionalField_[FIELD_NAME]:desc
AuthorIdThe Identifier of the author who wrote the content
CampaignIdThe identifier of the Campaign associated with the content
ContentLocaleLocale value of the content
ContextDataValue_[DIMENSION_EXTERNAL_ID]The context data value for the content. DIMENSION_EXTERNAL_ID can be age, gender, etc. e.g. sort=contextdatavalue_age:desc
HasCommentsBoolean flag indicating whether content has comments
HasPhotosBoolean flag indicating whether content has photos
HasTagsBoolean flag indicating whether content has tags
HasVideosBoolean flag indicating whether content has videos. For more information on inserting the returned VideoUrl into HTML, see the Conversations API page.
HelpfulnessThe helpfulness value of the review
IsFeaturedBoolean flag indicating whether content is featured
IsRatingsOnlyBoolean flag indicating whether the review was a ratings only review
IsRecommendedBoolean flag indicating whether the user would recommend this product.
IsSubjectActiveBoolean flag indicating whether the content subject is active`
IsSyndicatedBoolean flag indicating whether the Content has been Syndicated.
LastModeratedTimeThe date/time of the latest moderation of the content
LastModificationTimeThe date/time of the latest modification of the content
ProductIdThe identifier of the product
RatingThe Review Rating, usually between 1 to 5
SecondaryRating_[RATING_NAME]Secondary rating value to sort by, e.g., sort=SecondaryRating_Durability:desc
SubmissionIdSubmission identifier assigned to the content when it was initially submitted
SubmissionTimeThe submission date/time of the content
TotalCommentCountNumber of comments associated with the content
TotalFeedbackCountNumber of feedbacks received
TotalNegativeFeedbackCountNumber of negative feedbacks received
TotalPositiveFeedbackCountNumber of positive feedbacks received
UserLocationLocation of the author

Response format

This is a sample response for requesting a single review by Review ID including Product information

    "Includes": { },
    "HasErrors": false,
    "Offset": 0,
    "TotalResults": 224775,
    "Locale": "en_US",
    "Errors": [ ],
    "Results": [
            "TagDimensions": { },
            "TagDimensionsOrder": [ ],
            "AdditionalFieldsOrder": [ ],
            "Cons": null,
            "IsRecommended": null,
            "IsRatingsOnly": null,
            "UserNickname": null,
            "Pros": null,
            "Photos": [ ],
            "ContextDataValues": { },
            "Videos": [ ],
            "ContextDataValuesOrder": [ ],
            "SubmissionId": "27jrw6gacfrnvh2exwk1ha81r",
            "LastModificationTime": null,
            "TotalFeedbackCount": null,
            "TotalPositiveFeedbackCount": null,
            "TotalInappropriateFeedbackCount": null,
            "InappropriateFeedbackList": [ ],
            "UserLocation": null,
            "BadgesOrder": [ ],
            "Badges": { },
            "AuthorId": null,
            "SecondaryRatingsOrder": [ ],
            "IsFeatured": null,
            "ProductId": null,
            "Title": null,
            "ProductRecommendationIds": [ ],
            "AdditionalFields": { },
            "CampaignId": null,
            "Helpfulness": null,
            "TotalNegativeFeedbackCount": null,
            "SubmissionTime": "2011-12-09T08:55:35.000-00:00",
            "Rating": null,
            "ContentLocale": null,
            "RatingRange": null,
            "TotalCommentCount": null,
            "ReviewText": "Sample Review Text Sample Review Text Sample Review Text",
            "ModerationStatus": "SUBMITTED",
            "ClientResponses": [ ],
            "Id": "15027891",
            "SecondaryRatings": { },
            "CommentIds": [ ],
            "LastModeratedTime": null
    "Limit": 1

Response elements

DataSection containing all the data matched by a query grouped by content/subject type. Within each data section there is a map of objects keyed by ids
ErrorsError section is populated instead of other fields if there is an error with a query syntax or problem executing a query.
LimitThe total number of results returned, specified by user in the URL. Defaults to 10 and has a maximum of 100.
OffsetDataset offset used for pagination (passed as URL parameter in a query request). The maximum supported value is 300000.
ResultsSection containing an array of primitive type object references matched by a query.
TotalResultsTotal number of records matched.

Error codes

ERROR_ACCESS_DENIEDInsufficient privileges to perform the operation
ERROR_PARAM_INVALID_CALLBACKInvalid JsonP callback function name
ERROR_REQUEST_LIMIT_REACHEDRate limiting error, i.e. too many requests per time interval
ERROR_UNKNOWNUnknown error (internal server error, for instance)