Authenticate User Submission


Only API keys on our Conversations PRR platform are eligible to use this API version. Refer to the Platforms section of our Platform & API Concepts documentation to learn which platform your API keys are on

Authenticate an author using their email address.


Hosted email authentication can be used during submission to confirm the identity of a content submitter. When submitting content for the first time, a user receives an email containing a link. After clicking the link, the user is directed to a landing page that calls back to the API to confirm their identity. This call results in obtaining an encrypted user token that can be used in subsequent submission calls. Depending on the client's configuration, the content might not be accepted until the confirmation call is submitted.


Submitting a call to authenticate a user


Submission to authenticate a user must take the form of an HTTP POST.


[FORMAT]Response format (
xml This feature will not be available or will behave differently in future versions of the Conversations API. Click for more information.
or json)

This field is required in all API requests.
ApiVersionThe API version, e.g. 5.4.

This field is required in all API requests.
AuthtokenValue of the authentication token that was received in a user's authentication email. See the hostedauthentication_callbackurl parameter for more information.

This field is required in all API requests.
PassKeyAPI key is required to authenticate API user and check permission to access particular client's data.

This field is required in all API requests.

Response format

The following is an example of a response after submitting the form by HTTP POST:


Response elements

AuthenticationSection containing authentication data
DataSection containing all the data matched by a query grouped by content/subject type. Within each data section there is a map of objects keyed by ids
ErrorsError section is populated instead of other fields if there is an error with a query syntax or problem executing a query.
FormSection containing an array of field and group references
HasErrorsBoolean indicating if the response had errors or not

Error codes

ERROR_BAD_REQUESTAuthentication token is invalid, missing or the user has already been authenticated