Retrieve Quotes

Quotes provides high quality marketing quotes about the product and default quote given will be 5.

GET /quotes

curl -X 'GET' \
'http://[stg.]' \
--header ‘Authorization: passKey’ 
-H 'accept: application/json'
'http://[stg.]' \
--header ‘Authorization: passKey’
AuthorizationPasskey (API key) provided to client for authentication

Query Parameters

Request ParameterDescriptionRequired
productIdUnique identifier of the product for which you want to retrieve featuresYes
languageSupported Languages – English (en), French (fr), German (de) and Spanish(es).
You cannot pass multiple languages.
Locales (ex- en_US, en_CA, fr_CA) are not supported.
limitNumber of quotes. Default value: 5No

Sample Response

  "quotes": [
      "id": "PaNd1cfFExHaPeosP2VMZOxVF646cJn6AVCjthzAld5G1g8whdUcp
      "text": "Lovely soft material, great fitting and comfortable.",
      "reviewRating": 5,
      "reviewId": "559ee070-65d4-54a1-960b-9bed94695a90",
      "reviewedAt": "2024-07-10",
      "nativeLanguage": "en-US",
      "highlightedText": "Lovely <strong>soft</strong> material, great fitting and 
      "incentivised": false,
      "translatedText": "Lovely soft material, great fitting and comfortable.",
      "reviewType": "NATIVE"
    {. . .} //4 items

Response Parameters

Response Field NameData TypeDescription
quotesArrayContains all the quotes associated to a particular feature.
Please refer to quote for attributes type and description of the attributes.


Response Field NameData TypeDescription
idStringUnique identifier of the quote
textStringGives the text of quote in english
reviewRatingfloatGives the rating of quote review
reviewIdStringUnique identifier of the review
reviewedAtDateGives the date at which review was done
nativeLanguageStringGives the language selected in BCP47 code
incentivisedBooleanTells if quote is incentivised returns true or false
translatedTextStringGives the translated quote text based upon language selection
reviewTypeEnumENUM can be native ,family and syndicated